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The abs() function will produce the absolute value for a number. Example: The code below will take the residuals from the empty model for Thumb in the Fingers data frame, and give back their absolute value. empty_model <- lm(Thumb ~ NULL, data = ...
The resid() function will calculate the residuals (error) from a model. That is, when given a model, it will take each case and calculate how far away the observed value is from the prediction of the model. Example 1: # Calculate the residuals from ...
SS Total
SS Total is the amount of error revealed by the empty model (the mean); it is the total area of the squared residuals based on the distance of each score from the mean.
SS Error
SS error is the amount of error left unexplained by the model; the area of all the squared residuals based on the distance of each score from the model prediction.
Sum of Squares (SS)
Sum of Squares (SS) is the total area of the squared residuals; a way to quantify error, which gets around the problem of the sum of residuals adding up to 0; an important feature of SS is that the one number model that uniquely minimizes it is the ...